School Leadership
The School Leadership M.Ed. specialization will prepare you to be an extremely capable educational leader.

Program Overview
This 30-credit-hour M.Ed. specialization will prepare you to be an educational leader, capable of undertaking the tasks and responsibilities of a principal or director of special education. This is a licensure specialization approved by the state of Iowa and leads to an administrator's license.
Dordt's M.Ed. program concentration in School Leadership has been approved by the Iowa Department of Education. Six semester hours of this program meet the requirements to convert an initial license to a Standard license within the State of Iowa. All program tracks also meet the master's degree requirement for the Master Educator License.
The School Leadership track leads to the Initial Administrator license in the State of Iowa. The Initial Administrator license also transfers easily to many other states.

Program Details
Students seeking the Initial Administrator license in the State of Iowa must complete six additional field experience credits to qualify for the license. Significant hours will be spent in on-the-job field experiences, allowing you the opportunity to put into practice what you are learning in the classroom.
*Students residing outside of Iowa and not seeking an Iowa license, should check their school, district, or state or province requirements for administrative field experiences. Some jurisdictions do not require as many field hours for administrative licensing as the state of Iowa.
Courses offered in 15-week semesters and 8-week summer terms.
Students may start the program during any term. Most M.Ed. students choose a two or three year plan of study during which they continue to work as a full-time educator. The program can be completed in as little as 14 months. Contact us at for a plan that fits your pace and starting point!
- EDUC 501 - Issues in Education (3 credits, summer, fall, spring)
- EDUC 502 - Learner Development and Principles of Learning (3 credits, summer, spring)
- EDUC 503 - Interpreting and Applying Educational Research (3 credits, summer, fall)
- EDUC 504 - Curriculum Development and Evaluation (3 credits, summer, fall)
- EDUC 505 - Foundations of Special Education (3 credits, summer, fall, spring)
- EDUC 560 - Foundations of Educational Leadership (3 credits, fall, spring)
- EDUC 561 - Instructional Leadership (3 credits, fall, spring)
- EDUC 562 - Legal and Ethical Foundations in Educational Leadership (3 credits, summer, spring)
- EDUC 563 - Collaborative Leadership (3 credits, fall, spring)
- EDUC 564 - Management and School Improvement (3 credits, fall, spring)
Those seeking the Initial Administrator license in the State of Iowa must take six additional credits of field experience (560L, 561L, 563L, and 564L).
- EDUC 560L - Field Experience I in School Leadership (1.5 credits, fall)
- EDUC 561L - Field Experience II in School Leadership (1.5 credits, spring)
- EDUC 563L - Field Experience III in School Leadership (1.5 credits, fall)
- EDUC 564L - Field Experience IV in School Leadership (1.5 credits, spring)
Request a Custom Plan of Study!
Complete the form to request a custom plan of study for the School Leadership track of the M.Ed. at Dordt.
Student Success
"Completing the program while working provided me opportunities to make connections to my current building and school district, as well as continue to engage in professional conversations to develop a deeper understanding of school leadership and the impact it can have on student outcomes."
Jillian O'Rourke, 2022 Dordt Graduate, Lead Social Emotional Behavioral Health (SEBH) Teacher in Iowa City

With experience in a variety of fields, our faculty members are equipped and ready to help you succeed.
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