Ashley Bloemhof (‘17) returned home to California after graduation and accepted a job as program coordinator for industry communications at the Almond Board of California.
Bloemhof studied English and Communication while at Dordt, and says both departments prepared her for her role in the almond industry.
“I’m thankful for Dordt’s English and Communication professors grading with a heavy pen and challenging me to do the same as I refine my work,” she says. “Dordt taught me the value of asking questions fearlessly. Some of my greatest learnings on the job thus far have stemmed from asking questions about a wide variety of topics—from the purpose behind our internal processes to our strategy in reaching our audience, which for my department is the almond industry itself. I think my time at Dordt helped develop my curiosity, and I hope to maintain an inquisitive spirit throughout my life.”
The endless opportunities Dordt allows its students to pursue, helps to prepare them for all sorts of different encounters. As a smaller school, Dordt encourages students to do whatever they can while they are here. Both staff and faculty understand that college is an opportunity for students to stretch themselves and go outside of their comfort zones.
“You would be amazed how random commitments in college prepare you for adventures you will have five or ten years down the road. The chance to enjoy those commitments with your classmates is an experience no one should take for granted,” Bloemhof says.
While the professional experiences Bloemhof had at Dordt proved to be vital for her career, she also looks back fondly on other aspects of her four years.
“Hands down, the community of Dordt College is unmatched,” she says. “I advise all current and incoming students to relish each opportunity to grow together, and to explore all areas of interest.”
As for her future, Bloemhof has high expectations.
“I cannot say that I aim to achieve a certain career role, or even that I have a set list of career goals,” she says. “Instead, I can say that I aim to surprise myself. I aim to explore areas of calling and vocation that I never anticipated I would step foot in. I aim to work hard at whatever task is before me and continue to refine my skills.”