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Accounting (A.A. Degree)

If you enjoy crunching numbers and tracking data and finances, study accounting at Dordt. Accounting touches every industry in business, with margins, income and losses, overhead costs, and other items needing to be tracked. Dordt’s accounting emphasis can prepare you to understand the ins and outs of running the numbers for a business.

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Program Overview

Accounting touches every area of society—both in our personal finances and at work in business finances. With a degree in accounting at Dordt, you will learn principles required for the industry, such as payroll and employee benefits, production and process costs, presenting critical data to management, and key programs such as QuickBooks and Excel.

Male student shares his thoughts on the accounting project

What you’ll learn

Numbers impact many areas of business—such as human resources, payroll, accounts payable, and accounts receivable. You will learn about key areas such as how government and legal regulations impact your work.

What you can do with an accounting degree

With a degree in accounting, you have the flexibility to go into many areas of business. You could directly run the books for a manufacturing plant, a university, a city, or another organization, or work for an accounting firm that might serve a number of businesses or individuals with their accounting needs.

Tax Accountant

Tax accountants are used by individuals and companies across the U.S. for assistance with annually submitting taxes. Help your clients gather the paperwork needed, track finances, and submit their final data to the U.S. government.

Accounts Payable or Receivable

When you serve in the business office for a company, you can assist with paying invoices, cashing checks, and tracking the company finances. Partner with departments to make sure that funds are being properly used and attributed, confirming credit card receipts are submitted, and that records are up to date for auditor reviews.

Career Preparation

Dordt University's 2023 Career Outcome Rate was 99.4%! “This data point tells us that Dordt graduates are prepared for the careers of their choosing,” said Amy Westra, director of Career Development. “A Dordt education provides students with industry-relevant courses and connections that make a difference.”

In this two-year program, you will take six core business courses and an additional five classes with an accounting emphasis.

If you decide you want to continue your studies and pursue the four-year business degree, the courses you have taken will satisfy many of the requirements for the four-year program, so you can seamlessly transition from one to the other.

Computer Literacy for Business

This course teaches important computer skills used in today’s world of business. Areas of study include beginning and intermediate Excel and Word, advanced PowerPoint, an introduction to Access, and Windows and file management basics.

Introduction to Business

This course will prepare you to understand your calling in the business industry. This course will help develop your understanding of God’s plan for business and how you can become an effective Kingdom citizen in this area of work. This course will also help you gain a better understanding of the different roles people play within a business and the ways these roles work together for the effectiveness of the business. Finally, this course will provide students with advice on how to be successful within the business major.

Principles of Financial Accounting

Introduces the concepts and terminology of accounting and financial reporting for modern business enterprises. The course is centered around analyzing and interpreting accounting information for use in making decisions about organizations. There is a special emphasis on analyzing the balance sheet, the statement of income and expense, the statement of cash flows, and the statement of stockholders’ equity. Additional emphasis is placed on problem-solving, critical thinking, and communication skills that are necessary for forming conclusions about business activities and communicating these conclusions to others.

Principles of Management

An introductory course in management theory and practice. Major topics covered include planning and strategic management, organizational design, leadership and motivation theory, and control mechanisms.

Principles of Marketing

A study of marketing institutions, product development, channels of distribution, price determination, promotion methods, government influences, and ethical problems facing marketing personnel. Includes a foundational study and discussion of business from a Christian perspective.

Professional Practices: Career Preparation and Etiquette

Students will learn the purpose and process of preparing for a career and will learn formal etiquette useful in many areas of life. We will use hands-on learning to ascertain knowledge about finding and applying for jobs, workplace professionalism, professional interviewing, applying for graduate school, and other topics related to career preparation.

Principles of Managerial Accounting

An introduction to managerial accounting, presenting basic accounting concepts that are important to management decisions. Emphasis is placed on analyzing and interpreting accounting information that enables management accountants to work with managers from other areas, particularly marketing and operations, and to make decisions about costing, pricing, and production. The tools and information that are important are described within the decision framework rather than as isolated accounting procedures.

Payroll & Employee Benefits

In this course, students will explore payroll accounting and employee benefits as one of the most critical elements between accounting and human resources and one of the touch points between managerial and financial accounting. This class will explore payroll processing, legal and government regulations for payroll and benefits, record-keeping rules, and employee benefit and compensation program design.

Cost Accounting (or)

A study of measurement and evaluation of production costs, including job order costing, process costing, standard costing, and quantitative methods of costing. Prerequisite: Business Administration 202.

Accounting Information Systems

Students will develop a variety of technology and business analysis concepts and skills as users, managers, designers, and evaluators of technology and technology-driven business processes. The student will develop an understanding of how organizational processes generate information important to management. This course will use daily assignments, papers, a project with presentation, and tests. Significant discussion will pertain to the design and implementation of an accounting information system according to a Reformed perspective. Prerequisite: Business Administration 201; or permission of instructor.

Intermediate Excel Techniques

This course will provide the development of skills needed to become proficient in the use of spreadsheets. Students will use PivotTables, charts, and organizational tools while incorporating many formulas to make their spreadsheets come to life. A main component of this course will be hands-on learning with students becoming peer instructors for one another. This elective course is designed for students majoring in business who are in their sophomore, junior, or senior year. Prerequisite: Business Administration 100.

Introduction to QuickBooks

This course provides an introduction to and overview of QuickBooks, a computerized accounting software package popular in small- and mid-sized businesses. A main component of the course will be hands-on practice. By the time you complete this course, you will have a good idea of all that QuickBooks offers, be familiar with the most common tasks, and know where to find information about more advanced features.

See the course catalog for more information.

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Guest comes in to speak to a class about finances

Student Stories

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Resources to Achieve

Erika Post

With Dordt's help in figuring out her strengths and weaknesses, Erika was able to narrow down the business career paths that were right for her and find the perfect opportunity for her after graduating.

Erika Post

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A picture of students during graduation

Balancing School with Political Ambition

Kendal Zylstra

Kendal Zylstra, a senior accounting and business finance major, likes to stay busy.

Kendal Zylstra

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