Actuarial Science
During his three years at Dordt, Lucas was able to participate in many research projects that prepared him for his career. He spent one summer doing research at Dordt, analyzing Dordt’s data to determine students’ likelihood of success based on various factors. The next summer, Lucas had an actuarial internship with Northwestern Mutual in Milwaukee, WI. He was also able to publish statistical research with faculty members.
“It honestly blew my mind when I learned that undergraduate students could do meaningful research,” he says. “I couldn't believe the level of work and the trust I was given by both Dr. Zonnefeld (when I did Institutional Research for her) and Dr. Tintle (as we worked to get our statistical research published).”
After graduating, Lucas began work at Milliman, one of the best health actuarial consulting firms, as an actuary. He gets to do a variety of things, such as helping a company strategize their drug launch, doing policy work, helping a state reduce costs, and more.
“Many people believe that being an actuary is all about math,” he says. “While actuarial work certainly involves analytics, it also is a people business. We get to be some of the most respected and trusted business advisors for some of the most influential organizations in the world.”
Although Lucas was able to do many things at Dordt, he says that the coolest things that he did involved interacting with other students in the community.
“Whether it was setting up 4 TVs in the living room of my apartment to watch college football all day with roommates or having a weekly chat at 55th over breakfast pizza with some fellow students after Advanced Finance, there are always people to hang out with at Dordt, even at obscure times of the night.”