Master of Social Work Program Profile
More about Master of Social Work
Mission Statement:
“The Dordt University Master of Social Work program equips students and constituents to engage in professional ethical practice informed by research and inquiry. Students are empowered to practice with individuals, groups, families, communities, and organizations living lives of service in the name of Christ. By examining perspectives on social justice and diverse people groups, the program prepares students for work with all people, recognizing that all are made in the image of God.”
Program Strengths:
- Three areas of practice specialization including clinical practice, advanced generalist practice, and community/administrative practice. Students are able to select their specialization and corresponding coursework to match their gifts and career goals.
- Opportunities to practice what is learned in class through personalized field placements with an organization or agency that fits the student’s practice specialization and career goals. The social work program offers one of the most substantial internships requiring that students to spend either 450 (advanced standing students) or 900 hours (foundation students) working in an agency.
- Experienced, skilled, and helpful professors who use a variety of online teaching techniques to establish a close working relationship with students. Professors in the program are strong teachers, consistently receiving positive ratings from students.
- Christian perspective: The biblical call to practice justice and care for the widow, orphan, oppressed, and poor is clear. Students and professors spend a considerable amount of time exploring what it means to be a Christian social worker in a broken world.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the Master of Social Work program at Dordt University, students will competent social workers able to:
- Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
- Engage diversity and difference in practice.
- Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
- Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
- Engage in policy practice.
- Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
- Assess with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
- Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
- Evaluate individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
- Articulate and understand a Reformed Christian response to social work and social welfare
To accomplish our mission we seek to:
- Goal 1: Equip students to become competent, professional social workers engaged in lives of service.
- Goal 2: Center the program in the belief that all people are made in the image of God.
- Goal 3: Encourage students and the community to engage in service by responding to the needs and challenging injustices.
- Goal 4: Serve the campus and broader community by offering expertise and resources while also contributing to civil, respectful discourse on pressing social matters.